Vol. 26, issue 12, article # 7

Safatov A. S., Buryak G. A., Ol'kin S. E., Reznikova I. K., Makarov V. I., Popova S. A. The analysis of organic/elemental carbon and total protein in ground-layer atmospheric aerosol data at the south of Western Siberia. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 12. P. 1054–1058 [in Russian].
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The paper presents unique data of 12 years (2001–2012) monitoring at Klyuchi site (Novosibirsk region) on changes in aerosol mass concentrations and concentrations of organic carbon (ОС), elemental carbon (ЕС) and total protein (ТР) in it. It was found that aerosol mass concentrations, OC, and OC/ЕС ratio have trends to increase, but TP has a trend to decrease. Seasonal changes in observed EC, OC and TP concentrations and its ratios are also revealed. The comparison of data obtained and recently published data for other Asia and Europe regions show that there are good agreements between them for some regions and no agreement for some other regions.


atmospheric aerosol, organic/elemental carbon, bioaerosols, monitoring


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