Vol. 26, issue 12, article # 8

Sakerin S. M., Vlasov N. I., Kabanov D. M., Lubo-Lesnichenko K. E., Prakhov A. N., Radionov V. F., Turchinovich Yu. S., Holben B. N., Smirnov A. V. Results of spectral measurements of aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere with solar photometers during the 58th Russian Antarctic expedition. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 12. P. 1059–1067 [in Russian].
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We discuss the specific features of the spatiotemporal variations in the atmospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD), measured during the 58th Russian Antarctic Expedition onboard RVs Akademik Fyodorov, RV Akademik Treshnikov, and at the Mirny station. It is shown that the main regularity of the spatiotemporal AOD distribution over ocean in the southern hemisphere is the linear latitudinal decrease of AOD from 0.15 at the equator to 0.025 near Antarctica. We indicate the persistence of low AOD level in Antarctica (0.022± 0.005) during last 17 years.


аerosol optical depth, Atlantic, Antarctic


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