Vol. 29, issue 03, article # 9

Vasil’ev D. Yu., Kucherov S. E., Lazarev V. V. The relationship of the solar activity, climatic indices, and May–July precipitation reconstructed from the tree rings of larch in the Russian Southern Ural. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 03. P. 224-231. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160309 [in Russian].
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The May–July precipitation data for the Russian Southern Ural reconstructed via treatment of the radial growth of larch late Sukachev (Larix sukaczewii Dyl.) were analyzed with a wavelet transform. Next, a cross wavelet transform was used to compare the reconstructed data with the average annual values of Wolf numbers (sunspot numbers (SSN)) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) indices. The wavelet analysis revealed hidden periodicities in the original series and allowed one to define the relationship with the Wolf numbers and the NAO and AMO variabilities. It was found that the dominant 11-year SSN cycle is present in the reconstructed data almost over the entire time of observation. The reconstructed series of May–July precipitation showed good correlations with the NAO index for 8–11 year periods and with the AMO index for 11–50 year periods. In the analysis, the observation time spans 375 years (1631–2005) for the reconstructed May–July rainfall series, 306 years (1700–2005) for the Wolf numbers, 141 years (1865–2005) for the NAO index, and 150 years (1856–2005) for the AMO index.


wavelet transform, cross wavelet transform, Fourier transformation, climate indices, reconstruction of precipitation, dendrochronological research, correlation analysis


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