Vol. 29, issue 08, article # 11

Banakh V. A., Smalikho I. N., Sukharev A. A., Falits A. V. Lidar visualization of jet flows and internal gravity waves in the atmospheric boundary layer. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 08. P. 694–702. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160811 [in Russian].
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Results of experimental investigations of the atmospheric internal waves (AIW) in the boundary layer of atmosphere on the base of wind velocity measurements by a Stream Line pulsed coherent Doppler wind lidar developed by Halo Photonics are presented in this paper. The measurements were carried out in 2015 on the east and on the west shores of Lake Baikal.
A total of 7 cases of AIW events have been revealed. On the western shore of Lake Baikal it is always happening in presence of one or two (in 5 of 6 cases) narrow jet flows at heights of approximately 200 and 700 m. The period of the wave component oscillation of the wind velocity vector was 9 min in four cases of the AIW, in two cases it was equal to approximately 18 and 20 minutes, and 6.5 min in one case. The amplitude of oscillations of the horizontal wind velocity components was about 1 m/s, and the amplitude of the vertical wind component oscillations was three times less. In most cases, internal waves were observed for 45 min (5 trains with a period of 9 min). Only once the duration of the existence of AIW was about 4 hours.


coherent Doppler lidar, wind, jet flow, atmospheric internal wave


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