Vol. 29, issue 10, article # 2

Serdyukov V. I., Sinitsa L. N., Kruglova T. V., Polovtseva E. R., Bykov A. D., Shcherbakov A. P. D2О absorption spectrum in the region near 0.95 μm: the ν1 + 3ν3 rotational-vibrational band. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 10. P. 816-820. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20161002 [in Russian].
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D2О absorption spectrum were recorded between 10000 and 11400 cm–1 by a Fourier transform spectrometer with a spectral resolution of 0.05 cm–1. A multipass White’s-type cell was used for spectrum measurements, the optical path length was 40 m. A light emitting diode, which provides more brightness in comparison with other radiation sources, was used as a radiation source. Signal to noise ratios of 104 was obtained. During the D2О spectrum treatment, the experimental line list contained about 100 lines of the ν1 + 3ν3 band was created. Spectroscopic parameters (line positions, intensities, and half widths) were obtained by fitting experimental data to the Voigt line profiles with using least squares method. The analysis of the spectrum allowed us to derive new energy levels belonging to rovibrational state (103).


Fourier transform spectroscopy, water vapor absorption spectra, line positions and intensities, D216О molecule


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