Vol. 29, issue 12, article # 14

Sevast'yanov V. V., Mishenina Y. A. The regime of solar radiation and solar energy for the south-east of the Altay republic. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 12. P. 1090–1095. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20161214 [in Russian].
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Monthly and annual average values of direct, diffuse, and total radiation and potential solar resources in the south-east of the Altay Republic were considered. The research for different forms of relief was conducted: Chuiskaya basin (Kosh-Agach) and Severo-Chuiskyi ridge (Aktru valley). Total radiation is considerable, especially in Chuiskaya basin (5398 MJ/m2 per year). The sunshine duration and total solar radiation are essentially decreased under the influence of a cloudiness. There is a decreasing trend in monthly and annual values of the total radiation in this region from 1965 to 2013. Cadasters of potential solar resources contained 12 basic indices for Kosh-Agach and Aktru stations. The highest monthly average values were registered when a sun-tracking system was used. The work of the solar systems in clear sky in Chuiskaya basin is effective all the year round, but in Aktru valley only during six months. The territory is perspective for using solar installations of different capacities.


solar radiation, total radiation, renewable energy, solar energy, Altay Republic


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