Vol. 34, issue 02, article # 4

Marakasov D. A., Banakh V. A., Sukharev A. A. Retrieval of the spatial distribution of the average air density in a supersonic jet from laser transillumination results. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 02. P. 101–106. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210204 [in Russian].
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The problem of retrieval of the spatial distribution of the average air density in a supersonic jet from the results of laser transillumination is discussed. It is shown that for axially symmetric flows, the retrieval can be carried out on the basis of the Abel transforms from measurements of local wavefront tilts. An algorithm for retrieving the average density from the transilluminating wavefront deviations transverse to the jet axis has been developed and tested in experiments at the Vertical Jet Device of ITAM SB RAS. The results are in a good agreement with both the data of contact measurements known from the literature and the results of numerical solution of the hydrodynamic problem.


supersonic jet, laser transillumination, wavefront distortions, air density, retrieval


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