Vol. 34, issue 08, article # 6

Banakh V. A., Gordeev E. V., Kuskov V. V., Rostov A. P., Shesternin A. N. Controlling the initial wavefront of a spatially partially coherent beam by the aperture sensing technique based on backscatter signals in the atmosphere. II. Experiment. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 08. P. 606–616. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210806 [in Russian].
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The results are presented of experimental studies of a possibility of compensating aberrations of the initial wavefront of an optical beam by the aperture based on the atmospheric backscatter signal of radiation from an additional laser source at a different wavelength. It is shown that the makes it possible to reduce the beam wavefront aberrations by several times, down to 1–2 wavelengths at optimal angles of view of the scattered radiation receiver. As a result, the distortions of the intensity distribution in a beam cross section and beam divergence decrease and the power in the beam paraxial region increases.


laser beam, wavefront, compensation, atmospheric backscatter


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