The events of the dust aerosol transport to the water and coastal areas of the Caspian Sea during 2008–2010 are analyzed. This aerosol type is shown to be an additional source of biogenic elements in the surface layer of the sea. The comparative analysis of the optical characteristics of the northern, middle, and southern parts of the Caspian Sea, which significantly differ in hydrometeorological conditions and, hence, in the contribution of various factors which determine a possibility of anomalous cyanobacteria blooming, has been carried out. The effect of dust aerosol on the bloom of cyanobacteria is maximal in the southern part of the region under study. The results of the study of algae bloom anomalies in the Caspian Sea region are presented.
atmosphere, aerosol, сyanobacteria, Caspian Sea, MODIS, AERONET, HYSPLIT, CALIPSO
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