Vol. 34, issue 11, article # 2

Ionov D. V., Privalov V. I. The differential spectroscopy technique DOAS in the problem of determining the total ozone content from measurements of ground-based UV spectrometer UFOS. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 11. P. 842–848. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20211102 [in Russian].
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The first experience of using the differential spectroscopy technique DOAS for retrieving the total ozone content (TOC) from measurements of the ground-based UV spectrometer UFOS is considered. Examples of spectra recorded by UFOS and similar spectral equipment are presented. Test calculations of TOC with the use of DOAS are performed based on the UFOS measurements for several days at the Voeikovo station. The resulted TOC values are compared with independent ground-based and satellite measurements. The TOC calculations systematically differ from independent data, which can apparently be eliminated by means of a more accurate adjustment of the DOAS algorithm to the problem conditions and UFOS parameters.


total ozone content, UFOS, DOAS


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