Vol. 36, issue 01, article # 10

Bobrovnikov S. M., Gorlov E. V., Zharkov V. I., Panchenko Yu. N., Puchikin A. V. Experimental study of the dynamics of the process of laser fragmentation of nitrotoluene and nitrobenzene vapors. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 01. P. 73–77. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230110 [in Russian].
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The paper presents the results of the experimental study of the dynamic characteristics of the laser fragmentation/laser-induced fluorescence (LF/LIF) process in nitrobenzene and para-nitrotoluene vapors under synchronized two-pulse laser irradiation. It is shown that if the values of the time delay between the pulses of fragmentation (248.4 nm) and excitation (247.87 nm) of NO-fragments are in the range 20–40 ns, the efficiency of the LF/LIF method can be increased by several times.


laser fragmentation, nitrotoluene, nitrobenzene, laser-induced fluorescence, nitric oxide, NO-fragments


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