Vol. 36, issue 02, article # 9

Mokhov I. I. Atmospheric blockings in the Northern Hemisphere and associated wildfires and emissions of impurities into the atmosphere in Russian regions under climate changes during recent decades. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 02. P. 140–147. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230209 [in Russian].
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The results of the analysis of atmospheric blockings in the regions of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) under general warming during recent decades are presented. In particular, estimates of the total increase in the duration of summer atmospheric blockings in the NH with an increase in the hemispheric surface air temperature for the period 1969–2022 are obtained using observations and reanalysis data. Significant coherence of the most long-term changes of the integral index of summer atmospheric blocking activity for the Russian regions and for the NH as a whole is noted. A statistically significant correlation of the duration of atmospheric blockings of the area of wildfires in the Russian regions with related gas and aerosol emissions into the atmosphere is estimated based on satellite and reanalysis data. Estimates of the correlation of the Siberian fires with anomalies in the content of atmospheric impurities, including black carbon, in the Arctic regions are presented.


atmospheric blockings, climate change, wildfire, gaseous and aerosol emission of impurities into the atmosphere, observation, satellite and reanalysis data


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