Vol. 36, issue 05, article # 4

Bordovskaya Yu. I., Timofeev Yu. M., Poberovsky A. V., Imhasin Kh. Kh. Analysis of the ground-based microwave method for measuring the ozone vertical profile. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 05. P. 361–365. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230504 [in Russian].
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Ground-based MW spectrometers play an important role in the O3 regional monitoring. They measure the downward thermal radiation in various ozone absorption lines. Using numerical simulation, the information content of typical ground-based measurements of downward MW thermal radiation in the ozone absorption line at 110.836 GHz, the errors in the ozone vertical profiles at altitudes of 20–60 km, and the influence on them of a priori information about the solution and type of the inverse operator used in the regression method for solution of the inverse problem are studied.


remote measurements, ground-based MW method, ozone profile, information content, errors, a priori information


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