The new coronavirus pneumonia has rapidly spread around the world. The World Health Organization emphasized that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus spreads mainly between people who are in close contact with each other, as well as in the case of touching contaminated surfaces followed by touching the eyes, nose, or mouth without first cleaning the hands. Possible permanent sources of the spread of the virus can be gathering of patients in hospitals in the case of non-compliance with the requirements for organizing the functioning of a hospital. Meteorological conditions can be a key factor influencing the spread of the virus in the case of an accidental release of virus-containing aerosol from such a hospital. Simulations are carried out with modern methods for solving a system of differential equations of the atmospheric boundary layer, which are adapted to describe the distribution of harmful atmospheric impurities over a real complex terrain considering urban buildings of various heights, forests, reservoirs, changing meteorological conditions, and many other factors.
SARS-CoV-2, viruses, propagation in the atmosphere, mathematical simulation
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