Vol. 36, issue 09, article # 2

Yausheva E. P., Gladkikh V. A., Kamardin A. P., Shmargunov V. P. Extreme events of aerosol pollution of the atmosphere in winter in Tomsk Academgorodok. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 09. P. 711-717. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230902 [in Russian].
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The conditions for the occurrence of extreme concentrations of submicron particles and black carbon
in their composition in the surface air layer are analyzed on the basis of monitoring measurements of aerosol characteristics and acoustic sounding of the lower air layer in the winter periods of 2016–2022 in Akademgorodok, Tomsk. It is shown that with a combination of surface air temperature inversion and weak (up to 1.5 m/s) wind (air stagnation), the average aerosol characteristics under study increase by up to 3 times, and with a weak northwest wind, up to 7–8 times relative to the season averages. It is found that under several-day air stagnation conditions, the typical daily variation, characterized by the afternoon minimum, is transformed. The increase in the concentrations continues until 15:00; the values exceed nighttime minimum by 1.8 times. On other days of the winter season, the maxima occur at 10:00 am, with the excess of the concentrations of submicron particles by 1.2 times, and of black carbon, by 1.5 times over the nighttime minima.


submicron aerosol, black carbon, wind speed, wind direction, surface temperature inversion, aerosol pollution, topography


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