Vol. 36, issue 11, article # 9

Foka S. Ch., Makarova M. V., Poberovsky A. V., Ionov D. V., Abakumov E. V. Analysis of mixing ratios of greenhouse carbon-containing gases at the atmospheric monitoring station of St. Petersburg State University. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 11. P. 934–941. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20231109 [in Russian].
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In order to study temporal variations in the mixing ratios of greenhouse carbon-containing gases and factors influencing them, local measurements of CO2, CH4 (January 2013 – January 2020), and CO (January 2013 – January 2019) mixing ratios in atmospheric air at the St. Petersburg State University station are analyzed. For this analysis, the trend and seasonal oscillations are taken into account. Linear trends for CO2, CH4, and CO, which are 2.42 ppm/year (0.60%), 8.6 ppb/year (0.49%), and -3.8 ppb/year (-2.2%), respectively, are in a good agreement with independent estimates for both global/background changes and changes in urban area. The analysis of the CO/CO2 emission ratio confirmed that motor vehicles are the dominant anthropogenic source affecting the composition of atmospheric air in the area of the St. Petersburg State University monitoring station. The results presented in this work can be used for validation of atmospheric models, as well as for independent estimations of greenhouse gas fluxes.


carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, harmonic analysis, CCGCRV, trend, CO/CO2 emission ratio


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