Vol. 38, issue 01, article # 1

Tarasenkov M. V., Poznaharev E. S., Fedosov A. V., Kudryavtsev A. N., Belov V. V. Estimation of the capabilities of non-line-of-sight optical communications with UAVs through “water atmosphere” interface. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2025. V. 38. No. 01. P. 7–14. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20250101 [in Russian].
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А non-line-of-sight optical communication line with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) through the “water atmosphere” interface allows removing the limitation of UAV position within the transmitting system divergence angle during communication session. The capabilities of such a communication line were not considered in previous works. The capabilities of a non-line-of-sight optical communication line between an underwater transmission system and an UAV located in the atmosphere are experimentally and theoretically estimated. The field experiments demonstrate the possibility of organizing stable non-line-of-sight optical communication between the underwater transmission system and the UAV at baseline distances of 90 m and UAV flight altitude of 30 m. The simulation of a communication line shows that the useful signal is formed mainly by radiation scattered in the atmosphere in the considered communication scheme at small baseline distances. At large baseline distances, the useful signal is formed by radiation scattered in the water. Therefore, at high water turbidity (visibility depth is 3 m), the useful signal is the highest. The results made it possible to analyze the main patterns in the formation of a useful signal in the communication line under study and are the basis for the creation of such systems.


water – atmosphere interface, scattered laser radiation, non-line-of-sight optical communication, visible wavelength range, unmanned aerial vehicle


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