An increase in the level of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere due to natural and anthropogenic impacts is currently considered a determining factor in climate change and global warming. In this regard, there is an urgent need for the development of new technologies for remote monitoring of greenhouse gases with high spatiotemporal resolution and accuracy, namely laser remote (lidar) systems, which allow, in contrast to standard contact methods of gas analysis, more accurate and informative measurements of concentrations of greenhouse gas components of the atmosphere. The characteristics and description of differential lidars for monitoring methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone, and other gas components are given. The results of the development of ground-based stationary differential absorption lidar systems for laser remote sensing of the main greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in recent 25 years have been systematized and analyzed. The review of stationary differential absorption lidars for monitoring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can be useful to specialists in the field of developing systems for remote gas analysis of the atmosphere.
lidar, DIAL, greenhouse gas, atmosphere, laser sensing, greenhouse effect
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