Vol. 7, issue 08, article # 15

pdf Raputa V. F., Krylova A. I. Optimization of models for control and monitoring of aerosol sources. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 08. P. 602-605.
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In this paper we consider the problems on optimal regulation of aerosol sources in the ground atmospheric layer, estimation of sources parameters, and optimization of the observational network. Analysis is made based on semiempirical equation of turbulent diffusion. To illustrate the approach used, we give examples of solutions of the inverse problems on estimating capacity and location of sources. Examples of optimal distribution of the observational points taking into account meteorological situation and configuration of aerosol sources are given in this paper. We also present some results of numerical experiments on modeling optimal modes of treatment of agricultural crops with aerosols produced by a generator capable to regulate disperse composition of aerosol.