Vol. 7, issue 10, article # 13

pdf Gorodnichev V. A., Kozintsev V. I. Monitoring of the atmospheric pollution by an infrared DIAL system. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 10. P. 764-766.
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A differential—absorption lidar (DIAL) system has been developed based on a CdSe optical parametric oscillator (OPO) continuously tunable over the spectral range from 8 to 13 mm. Using this system transmission spectra and absorption coefficients for ammonia (NH3) , hydrazine (H) , nonsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (NDMH), tetramethyltetrazene (T) were obtained at laser lines corresponding to informative portions of the spectral range from 8 to 13 mm. Gas concentarations in a cell placed at an 80 m long sounding path were measured. Good agreement of the data obtained with the lidar and those obtained using standard chemical procedures was observed.