Vol. 9, issue 11, article # 1

pdf Lukin V. P. Laser reference stars and the problem on measuring of the wavefront tilts. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1996. V. 9. No. 11. P. 910-915.
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We discuss here a solution of the problem on stabilization of the position of a laser beam axis based on real time tracking of a natural star image in the focal plane of a telescope. In particular, we calculated the cross-correlation function between the vector, characterizing random shift of the power center of gravity of an optical beam propagated through a turbulent medium, and the vector, determining the center of gravity of a star image or any reference source formed by the same optical system. The cases with monostatic and bistatic laser reference stars are considered. The causes of inadequate correction when using a "pure" signal of backscattering are explained.