Bibliographic reference:
Astrelin V. T., Burdakov A. V., Denisenko P. V., Knyazev B. A., Koidan V. S., Lebedev S. V., Lokonov K. V., Mekler K. I., Mel'nikov P. I., Postupaev V. V., Razilov R. V., Rovenskikh A. F., Filippov V. V., Tsigutkin K. V., Shevchenko O. A., Shcheglov M. A., Yushkina L. V. Study of the emission from different-composition plasmas injected with a relativistic e-beam on a GOL-3 device. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1996. V. 9. No. 02. P. 137-142.
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