Vol. 9, issue 11, article # 2

pdf Kandidov V. P., Tamarov M. P., Shlyonov S. A. Spatial statistics of laser beams under conditions of small-scale turbulence. Stochastic simulation. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1996. V. 9. No. 11. P. 916-920.
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The propagation of collimated and focused laser beams in the turbulent atmosphere has been modeled numerically under conditions of small-scale fluctuations. In a wide range of propagation parameters, namely, for weak intensity fluctuations, strong focusing, and saturation of fluctuations, the field coherence, intensity variance, and correlation of the intensity fluctuations have been studied by the Monte Carlo method for the phase screen model. The results obtained have been compared with field experiments and with the data obtained in the phase approximation of the Huygens-Kirchhoff method.