Vol. 15, issue 08, article # 8

pdf Zhuravleva T. B., Anisimova E. M. Internet-accessible database "Numerical radiation model of single-layer broken clouds". // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2002. V. 15. No. 08. P. 633-635.
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The peculiarity of theoretical studies of the atmospheric processes is that they imply manipulation of dissimilar data arrays (spectra of atmospheric gases, statistical models of height variation of the atmospheric parameters, spectra of radiation in the upper atmosphere, and so on). Internet access to such data has been arranged at the Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS. The data on statistical models of the atmosphere and spectra of solar radiation from the Kitt Peak observatory and the data for calculation of the effective cloud fraction and solar radiative flux are accumulated at the "Models of atmosphere" site (http://model.iao.ru). The most recent data form the basis for the Internet-accessible version of the "Numerical radiation model of single-layer broken clouds (the visible and shortwave spectral ranges)" database. This database allows a user to estimate, in the first approximation, errors arising in calculation of the solar radiative flux with neglect of horizontal inhomogeneity typical of real cloud fields.