Vol. 22, issue 01, article # 12

Poplavskii Yu. A., Shcherbakov A. P. Application of the rovibrational spectral databases in gas analyzers. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 01. P. 58-60 [in Russian].
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The possibilities of spectral databases usage, like the HITRAN, in defractional spectral devices with different resolutions and in different frequency ranges are considered from the view point of applied spectroscopy. Conditions and steps are offered to decrease or to exclude the usage of calibration mixes for the device tuning. Common approach and techniques for overlapping the experimental and generated spectra, and spectra received of different spectral devices are briefly described.


spectral photometric methods; diffraction spectral analyzers; spectral database; spectrum