Bibliographic reference:
Tashkun S. A., Putilova T. A. Rotational structure of vibrational states: 000, 010, 001, 020, and 100 H218O: spectroscopic identification up to J, Ka = 30 and critical analysis of the published experimental energy levels and line lists. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 07. P. 623-628 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference to english version:
Tashkun S.A. and Putilova T.A. Rotational Structure of the 000, 010, 001, 020, and 100 Vibrational States of H218O: Spectroscopic Assignment up to J, Ka = 30 and Critical Analysis of the Published Experimental Energy Levels and Line Lists. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 05. pp. 499–505.
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