Vol. 22, issue 01, article # 18

Bryksin V. M., Evtyushkin A. V., Yeremeev A. V., Makeeva M. A., Khamedov V. A. Automated system of satellite monitoring of fire conditions in technological corridors of pipelines and forests in KHMAO region. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 01. P. 90-95 [in Russian].
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The automated information system of the operative notification about fire conditions in technological corridors of the oil pipelines and forest in KHMAO region is considered. Information for end users is given by E-mail in the form of large-scale maps convenient for decision-making and operative work. The modular software is developed for thematic processing of space images in IDL software on supercomputer SUN FIRE 15K. The publication of fire pixels detected by MODIS and AVHRR space images on WEB-site allows to display dynamics of fires development to the broad audience of users.


remote sensing of the Earth; MODIS; AVHRR; SHR; KML; supercomputer SUN FIRE 15K