Vol. 22, issue 01, article # 19

Pavlov V. E., Sutorikhin I. A., Khvostov I. V., Zinchenko G. S. Snow cover as indicator of urban territory pollution in Altai Krai. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 01. P. 96-100 [in Russian].
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Methods for the processing of monitoring data on the concentration of chemical elements in winter aerosol in Altai Krai to determine their reference values are proposed. It is shown that the distribution of elements within the concentration logarithms is steady and recurs yearly during a 5-year period of observations. Methods for estimation of snow cover pollution by different elements in local sites and vast territories are proposed.


winter aerosol; anthropogenic pollution; monitoring of snow cover; non-soluble particles; element composition