Vol. 22, issue 01, article # 9

Zuev V. V., Zueva N. E., Grishaev M. V. Seasonal variations of fluorescence of Scotch pine according to data of measurements at Siberian Lidar Station. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 01. P. 42-48 [in Russian].
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We present the fluorescence spectra of Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris) for period 01.07.2007-31.05.2008, obtained at the Siberian Lidar Station in real-time mode under field conditions by the method of laser-induced fluorescence. We present the block-diagram of lidar, allowing us to obtain the fluorescence spectra of adult wood plants. It is shown that, during the growing period, there are two maxima in the spectrum, one located in the region of far red fluorescence (F735) and an other (far less intense) in the region of red F689 fluorescence. It is found that the maximum in the band F689 is recorded only during the growing period. It is shown that the largest variations of the parameter F735/F689, characterizing the amount of chlorophyll, was observed during summer period, and the smallest variations in September 2007. For period of beginning of the growing season of 2008, quite rapid growth of the ratio F735/F689 was recorded, with the absence of pronounced variations.


fluorescence spectra; monochromator; fluctuations; vegetation period; chlorophyll