Vol. 22, issue 04, article # 9

Uzhegov V. N., Kabanov D. M., Pkhalagov Yu. A., Sakerin S. M. Correlation between variations of aerosol extinction in visible and IR radiation in near-ground air layer and in the atmospheric column. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 04. P. 386-391 [in Russian].
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The data arrays of spectral coefficients of aerosol extinction in the near-ground air layer β(λ) and the aerosol optical thickness of the atmosphere t(λ) in the wavelength range λ = 0.44-4,0 m obtained in the region of Tomsk in 2003-2005 are statistically processed. It is revealed that the maximal correlation between variations β(λ) and τ(λ) was observed in 2003 under conditions of enhanced turbidity of the atmosphere. It is shown that this can be related with increase of the range of variability of aerosol extinction both on near-ground path and in the atmospheric column during coming smoke into the region of measurements. The correlation coefficients ρβτ(λ) under cleaner conditions are significantly lower. Calculation of eigenvectors of the combined autocorrelation matrix {βi(λ), τi(λ)} has shown that destruction of correlation between variations β(λ) and τ(λ) can be related with the process of emission of particles by convective and turbulent flows, which favor accumulation of aerosol in the atmospheric column due to depletion of the near-ground layer of the atmosphere. The inverse process, related with aerosol sedimentation, is also possible.


field experiment; aerosol attenuation coefficient; aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere; statistics