Recently, a renewed interest appeared to the approach of climate warming mitigation employing controlled sulphur emissions in the stratosphere. In this paper, based on the IAP RAS global climate model simulations with uniform horizontal distribution of stratospheric sulfates, it is shown that a complete mitigation of warming occuring under the scenario SRES A1B of anthropogenic influence on climate, requires stratospheric sulphate emissions of 5-16 TgS/yr (depending on the chosen values of stratospheric aerosol parameters) in the middle of the 21st century and of 10-30 TgS/yr in its end. When eventually stratospheric aerosol particles are sedimented to the troposphere, it would result to its marked additional aerosol pollution. If the global temperature rise is compensated, there are still substantial regional anomalies of surface air temperature of different sign. If the warming of the most climatically sensitive regions is compensated, it requires sulphate emissions in the stratosphere additionally about 10%. Moreover, if the controlled mitigation emissions stop, their temperature effect disappears during a couple of decades with a marked acceleration of global and regional warming in this period. In particular, if controlled mitigation will stop in 2075, regional temperature rise may be as large as 3-4 K/decade.
IPhA RAS climatic model; global anthropogenic warming; compensating impact; stratosphere sulfate aerosols