Vol. 22, issue 06, article # 14

Raputa V. F., Ol'kin S. E., Reznikova I. K. A model for evaluation of benzo(a)pyrene aerosole polutions in Novosibirsk electrode plant surroundings. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 06. P. 601-604 [in Russian].
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A model for quantitative interpretation of route observations of fallout areas in surroundings of one-point source is proposed in the framework of kinematic scheme of description of heavy polydisperse impurity propagation in the atmosphere. Numerical analysis of experimental data of benz(a)pyrene polution of snow- cover, obtained at the end of winter, 2008, in Novosibirsk electrode plant surroundings, has been performed based on this model. The model showed that most heavy polutions of benzo(a)pyrene were in the fraction of large particles obtained in close surroundings of height chimney.


atmosphere; pollution; aerosol; source; modeling; optimization; estimate; reconstruction