Vol. 22, issue 09, article # 3

Pkhalagov Yu. A., Uzhegov V. N., Sakerin S. M., Kabanov D. M., Odintsov S. L. Peculiarities of diurnal dynamics of the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere in the infrared wavelength range. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 09. P. 838-843 [in Russian].
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An attempt of the physical interpretation of formation of the diurnal behavior of the atmosphere aerosol optical depth in the infrared wavelength range is undertaken, based on the data of the comprehensive experiment, including spectral measurements of the atmospheric transparency on near-ground and slant paths in the wavelength range Δλ = 0,44 ÷  1.06 µm and measurements of the turbulent heat flux. Two hypotheses are proposed for the explanation of the effect of the afternoon decrease of the atmosphere aerosol optical depth.


coefficient of aerosol attenuation of radiation; aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere; turbulent flow of heat, weak cloudiness; diurnal dynamics of optical and meteorological parameters