Vol. 22, issue 12, article # 5

Banakh V. A., Falits A. V. Visualization of velocity fields in an atmospheric turbulent layer by means of passing of optical radiation through the layer. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 12. P. 1135-1141 [in Russian].
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Performance of visualization of 2-D velocity fields in a turbulent layer of atmosphere based on intensity fluctuations of optical radiation, passing through that layer, is analyzed in the paper. The scheme is considered, where the laser radiation after passing through the turbulent layer is scattered by the diffuse surface and the backscattered radiation is received by the telescope. Then the coherent images of a laser illuminated area on a target, registered in different moments of time, are correlatively compared. It is shown that based on correlation of large-scale structure of intensity fluctuations in the images, the visualization of 2-D velocity fields in an atmospheric turbulent layer is possible.


turbulent atmosphere, sounded layer, intensity fluctuations, laser, coherent image, visualization of the velocity fields, diffuse surface