Vol. 25, issue 09, article # 13

Domysheva V. M., Sakirko M. V., Pestunov D. A., Panchenko M. V. Seasonal behavior of the CO2 gas exchange process in the «atmosphere–water» system of the littoral zone of Southern Baikal. 3. Autumn. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 09. P. 826–832 [in Russian].
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The paper continues the cycle of publications devoted to analysis of seasonal peculiarities of the carbon dioxide gas exchange process in the littoral zone of Southern Baikal during the open water period. In this paper we consider the results obtained in autumn.
It is shown that the manner of variations of the concentrations of dissolved gases and biogenic elements in the littoral zone of lake Baikal in autumn is opposite to the process observed in spring and summer. The concentrations of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrates, and phosphates increase since the second half of September till December.
In the beginning of October, the sink of CO2 from the atmosphere to the water surface is still observed. Its budget is comparable to the daily mean sink during hydrological summer. In November, the daily mean of CO2 flux changes sign, and the lake surface becomes a source of emission of carbon dioxide to the near-water atmosphere. Its yield increases and reaches maximum in December, right up till the freezing-over period. In the beginning of the ice formation period one can expect some small additional emission of CO2 into the atmosphere due to the process of morning freezing and subsequent melting of ice.


carbon dioxide, air–water, gas exchange, Lake Baikal