Vol. 25, issue 11, article # 14

Ageev B. G., Gruzdev A. N., Matyashenko G. V., Savchuk D. A., Sapozhnikova V. A., Ponomarev Yu. N. Variations and trends of CO2 and H2O content in coniferous tree ring discs. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 11. P. 1007-1013 [in Russian].
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The experimental measurements of CO2 and H2O in disc tree-rings of some coniferous from regions with different climates have been obtained, the results were compared with the tree-ring widths, some conclusions were made about climatic response of annual CO2 and H2O distributions. The hypothesis was put forward that the appearance of long-period cyclicities in annual CO2 tree-ring distribution is a tree's response to the environmental change.


СО2, cyclicity, tree rings, laser photoacoustic gas analysis, climatic response