Vol. 31, issue 01, article # 1

Kopeikin V. M., Emilenko A. S., Isakov A. A., Loskutova O. V., Ponomareva T. Ta. Variations in soot and submicron aerosols in the Moscow region in 2014–2016. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 01. P. . DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180101 [in Russian].
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The results of measurements of fine aerosol and black carbon mass concentrations in the center of Moscow and at two sites at Zvenigorod Sientific Station (ZSS) in the spring and fall periods of 2014–2016 are presented. The results are compared with the data of comprehensive measurements during 1989–2013. Situations with increased air pollution due to smoke plumes from burning peat bogs in Bryansk region, transport of smokes from forest fires in Siberia, as well as smoke from burning bark beetle affected trees in the forests in Moscow region have been revealed. A significant increase in vehicular traffic near the first measurement point at ZSS, located 150 m away from a road, during past 25 years has resulted in the growth of the aerosol air pollution level by about 2–3 times. At the second point, 1-km distant from the road, the level of air pollution by BC is comparable with that obtained in the 90s of the past century and is lower than in Moscow by about 3 times.


BC and fine aerosol, smoke aerosol, mass concentration of aerosol, pollution of the atmosphere


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