Vol. 32, issue 02, article # 3

Ageev B. G., Sapozhnikova V. A., Gruzdev A. N., Golovatskaya E. A., Dyukarev E. A., Savchuk D. A. Comparison of residual gas characteristics in the tree rings of Scots pine trees. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 02. P. 105–112. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190203 [in Russian].
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The work compares the chronologies of H2O and CO2 and pressure in the vacuum-extracted tree-ring disc gas samples of six Scots pine trees from one growth region. The results are analyzed. The analysis shows that discs have different annual CO2 distributions, the H2O data weakly correlate with precipitation, but the detected cyclicity is common to all the chronologies analyzed.


СО2, Н2О, cyclicity, tree rings, Pinus sylvestris


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