Vol. 32, issue 02, article # 4

Geints Yu. E., Panina E. K., Zemlyanov A. A. Collective effects in the formation of an ensemble of photonic nanojets by an ordered microassembly of dielectric microparticles. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 02. P. 113–119. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190204 [in Russian].
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The results of theoretical studies of spatially localized near-field light structures (photonic nanojets) that are formed when laser radiation is scattered on a meta-surface in the form of a single-layer ordered assembly of dielectric microparticles (spheres, cones) embedded in a transparent matrix (silicone film) are presented. By solving Maxwell's equations by the method of computational electrodynamics (FDTD), a detailed analysis of the main parameters of localized light structures (length, width, peak intensity) under the influence of the light fields of neighboring microparticles was carried out. It has been established that the main factors influencing the characteristics of the photon nanojet under study are the spatial orientation of the microcones, as well as the depth of their immersion into the silicone matrix. It is shown that a number of spatial configurations of conic microassemblies allow the creation of an ensemble of photon nanojet with specific characteristics unattainable for isolated microcones. Ordered clusters of spherical particles have an advantage in terms of a comprehensive assessment of the parameters of photonic nanojets.


photonic nanojet, microassembly of particles, dielectric microparticles


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