Vol. 32, issue 04, article # 10

Sаmygina E. K., Klem A. I. Numerical simulation of the adaptive control system of the composite main mirror of a large-size space telescope. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 04. P. 317–323. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190410 [in Russian].
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Currently, the scientific community is increasingly in demand for large-sized telescopes, which include the developed international project of the Millimetron space telescope with a composite main mirror diameter of ten meters. Creating an effective space telescope is associated with solving the problem of ensuring the high quality of observational information received by the telescope. The successful solution of this problem is largely determined by the task of ensuring high fidelity and maintaining the shape of the composite main telescope mirror (RMS 1 x 10-5 m [1, 3]) which can be solved using the adaptive control system of the space telescope. The article describes the developed mathematical model of the adaptive control system of the composite main telescope mirror, similar in characteristics to the Millimetron project, and presents the results of numerical simulation of the adaptive control system taking into account the limitations of the hardware and software implementation. According to the results of the simulation, an estimate was made of the error in maintaining the shape of the composite main mirror, confirming the applicability of the developed mathematical model.


space telescope, the composite primary mirror, multi-axis servodrives, the adaptive control system


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