Vol. 32, issue 06, article # 6

Kopeikin V. M., Golitsyn G. S., Gengchen Wang ., Pucai Wang ., Ponomareva T. Ta. Variations in soot concentrations in megacities of Beijing and Moscow. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 06. P. 453–457. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190606 [in Russian].
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The results of BC concentration measurements in Moscow in 2003–2013 and in Beijing in 2004–2010 are presented. Measurement ranges of single BC concentrations in 2004–2010 are 0.1–77 mg/m3 in Beijing and 0.1–22 mg/m3 in Moscow. The seven-year average daytime BC concentration in Beijing is 2.5 times higher than in Moscow. The seasonal variability of the BC concentration is more pronounced in Moscow (in summer it is 33% lower than in winter) than in Beijing (in summer it is only 13% lower). A significant increase in the BC concentration in the air of Beijing occurs when air masses are transferred from industrialized regions south of Beijing. The air pollution with BC mainly decreases in Moscow due to advection under arrival of air masses from northern regions.


soot aerosol, mass concentration of aerosol, pollution of megacities atmosphere, reverse trajectories of air mass transfer


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