Vol. 32, issue 06, article # 9

Rudyak V. Ya., Krasnolutskii S. L. Simulation of transport coefficients of aerosols and nanofluids with hollow nanoparticles. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 06. P. 471–475. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190609 [in Russian].
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Diffusion of hollow nanoparticles in low-density and rarefied gases and the viscosity of aerosols with such particles are studied with the previously developed kinetic theory and molecular dynamics method. Interaction between molecules of a carrier medium is simulated with Lennard-Jones potential, between these molecules and the nanoparticle, with RK potential, and between the nanoparticles, with RKI potential. Nitrogen-based aerosols with hollow and solid aluminum and uranium nanoparticles are considered at a temperature of 300 K and atmospheric pressure. Diameter of the nanoparticles is varied from 5 to 100 nm; the thickness of walls of hollow nanoparticles is 1 nm. It is shown that the diffusion coefficients of hollow nanoparticles always exceed those of solid particles of the same size and the same material, but this difference does not exceed 1%. The viscosity coefficient of aerosol with hollow nanoparticles is always lower than of aerosol with solid particles. The diffusion of hollow and solid aluminum nanoparticles with diameters of 2 and 4 nm in argon of the density r = 0.707 at a temperature of 300 K is also molecular dynamics (MD) simulated. It is shown that diffusion coefficients of hollow and solid nanoparticles of the same diameter and the same material in rarefied gases and liquids are the equal.


nanoparticles, hollow nanoparticles, aerosol, nanoaerosol, gas nanosuspension, nanofluid, diffusion, viscosity


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