Vol. 35, issue 02, article # 10

Volkov Yu. V., Cheredko N. N., Tartakovsky V. A. Structure of the temperature field in the Northern hemisphere during the period of modern climate change. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 02. P. 143–149. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220209 [in Russian].
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An original method for objective climate classification is being developed based on the idea of the universality of the principle of consistency of natural and climatic processes. The method makes it possible to study the response of the climate system structure to different external factors taking into account regional characteristics. A unique interactive software package created for this task allows one to select, study, and simulate climatic clusters based on the climatic characteristics of any nature on any spatial and temporal scales. Examples of the method implementation are given.


climate change monitoring, synchronicity, temperature series phase, climate classification


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