Bibliographic reference:
Banakh V. A., Falits A. V., Sherstobitov A. M., Smalikho I. N., Sukharev A. A., Gordeev E. V., Zaloznaya I. V. On estimation of the height of a turbulent mixing layer from the height-time distributions of the Richardson number. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 11. P. 912–917. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20221106 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference to english version:
Banakh V.A., Falits A.V., Sherstobitov A.M., Smalikho I.N., Sukharev A.A., Gordeev E.V., Zaloznaya I.V. On Estimation of the Turbulent Mixing Layer Altitude from the Altitude-Time Distributions of the Richardson Number // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2023, V. 36. No. 01. pp. 30–40.
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