The electro-physical process in the discharge circuit of a copper vapor laser (CVL) with an LT-10Cu industrial gas-discharge tube has been studied. It is shown that the pumping of the active medium of the CVL is carried out in two stages. During the first (preparatory) stage, the capacitive components of the laser discharge circuit are charged from the storage capacitor, and during the second stage, the active medium is directly pumped. The transition from the preparatory stage to the pumping stage is carried out as a result of “breakdown”. It is shown that under these conditions it is possible to achieve a practical CVL efficiency of ~ 1% in pump circuits with magnetic compression units and ~ 2.5–3% when the energy input is cut off after the generation pulse. The conditions for implementing the mode of cutting off the energy input after the generation pulse are considered.
copper vapor laser, breakdown, energy input cutoff
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