Vol. 35, issue 11, article # 4

Rodimova O. B. Dimer absorption in the long-wave wing of the rotational H2O band. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 11. P. 902–905. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20221104 [in Russian].
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The absorption spectrum of stable dimers in the long-wave wing of the rotation H2O band is estimated proceeding from available experimental data on the H2O continuum absorption in this region and calculations on the basis of the asymptotic line wing theory. The spectral line contour of the rotational band describing the spectral and temperature behavior of the H2O continuum absorption in the 8–12 μm range was used in the calculations. The spectrum derived does not conflict with computations with the dimer model of the continuum absorption.


water vapor, continuum absorption, spectral line wings, dimer absorption


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