Vol. 35, issue 02, article # 13

Veretennikova E. E., Dyukarev E. A., Kuryina I. V. Temporal variability of methane emission from a raised bog in Western Siberia. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 02. P. 162–167. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220212 [in Russian].
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The data on the seasonal variability of CH4 fluxes from an oligotrophic anthropogenically disturbed bog in Western Siberia (south of the Tomsk region) are analyzed. Methane fluxes were measured using the close static chamber method. The results show a strong variation in CH4 (from -0.07 to 4.40 mg × m2 h). The total CH4 flux from the bog surface varied from 0.99 to 2.94 g × m-2 depending on the growing season. The seasonal dynamics of CH4 fluxes are characterized by a summer maximum and are closely related to the peat temperature. The use of an exponential function of the peat temperature at different depths explains 81–95% of the variability of the CH4 flux. In general, our data show the importance of studying the CH4 emission from the surface of bog ecosystems under the anthropogenic load. Comprehensive monitoring will make it possible to clarify the contribution of Western Siberian bogs of this type to the global climate change.


Western Siberia, oligotrophic bog, methane emission, temperature of peat deposits


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