Vol. 35, issue 02, article # 4

Gordeev V. F., Malyshkov S. Yu., Krutikov V. A., Polivach V. I., Kabanov M. M., Kapustin S. N., Shtalin S. G., Pustovalov K. N. Development of passive radiowave information-measureming technique for monitoring dynamic lithosphere–cryosphere–atmosphere interaction processes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 02. P. 105–109. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220203 [in Russian].
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Results of long-term study of the Earth's natural pulsed electromagnetic field in a very low frequency band in different regions are presented. Laboratory and field experiments show a substantial part of the lithosphere component in the field structure, which allows robust instrumental monitoring of spatial lithospheric structures and irregularities and parameters of dynamic lithosphere–cryosphere–atmosphere interaction processes. The hardware, software, and processing techniques developed are briefly described, which allow a wide variety of geophysical research under conditions of distorted electromagnetic fields.


Earth's natural pulsed electromagnetic field, atmosphere-lithosphere interactions, stress-deformed state of the rocks, geophysical survey, dangerous geodynamic processes monitoring


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