Vol. 35, issue 02, article # 8

Gordov E. P., Gordova Yu. E., Okladnikov I. G., Ryazanova A. A., Titov A. G. Climate web GIS platform for research of climate processes and responses to them: Potential and prospects. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 02. P. 132–135. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220207 [in Russian].
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The history of development and the current state of the created distributed tool for the analysis of large arrays of climate data are briefly described. The potential of the Climate platform is illustrated by its applications in monitoring of current and prediction of possible future climate changes in Siberia, determining regional responses to them, and preparing a quantitative basis for developing adaptation measures. Possible options for creating a virtual research environment and thematic digital twins are discussed, providing specialists in climatology and related areas with opportunities to use modern information and computing technologies and resources in solution of fundamental and applied problems posed by ongoing and projected climate changes.


information and computing infrastructure, web GIS, Siberia climate change, anomalies, climate indices, adaptation, Siberia


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