Vol. 35, issue 04, article # 15

Apeksimov D. V., Klimkin A. V., Kuryak A. N., Trigub M. V. Non-destructive testing of civil aircraft turbojet engine blades with LIBS. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 04. P. 335–341. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220415 [in Russian].
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We present the results of model experiments on recording the spectral characteristics of the emission glow of residual amounts of a substance on a blade of an aircraft turbojet engine after the mechanical impact of a foreign object. The spectra were measured by laser-spark spectroscopy, which made it possible to distinguish the emission lines of this substance against the spectrum of the blade material. This non-destructive testing method makes it possible to quickly diagnose the blades at the site of the aircraft inspection before a flight and to draw conclusions about possible destruction of the fuselage and the danger of the damage.


non-destructive testing, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, structural material deformation


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